What's Cool
- Trees of Christmas Past: A Brief History of Holiday Tree Traditions
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Added: October 20, 2008The farther we march into a technological, silicon-and-plastic future, the more important simple tradition become. Many family or cultural traditions help us maintain contact with our pasts and perspective for our future. Since the beginning, humans have been emotionally and economically tied with forests and trees. During holidays, trees play an important part in our social and private traditions.
- Treated Wood Products Available in Missouri
Builders and home craftsmen should be aware of the advantages of the many new treated wood products increasingly available to them at more reasonable costs than before. Broader use of treated wood, where appropriate, would increase the durability and quality of structures.
- The Control of Burrowing Crayfish in Ponds
This publications covers various topics about crayfish, such as ecological and economic importance, control methods, and cleaning and cooking techniques.
- The Balsam Woolly Adelgid (Aphid)
The balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae) (BWA), previously called the balsam woolly aphid, is a tiny, soft bodied insect which appears as white, woolly spots on Fraser fir.
- The Balsam Twig Aphid
The balsam twig aphid (Mindarus abietinus Koch) (BTA) is a small, pale green aphid that feeds on fir trees in the spring. BTA feeding on the new growth of Fraser fir often results in permanently curled needles.
- Smooth Purple Coneflower (Echinacea laevigata)
Perennial showy wildflower with erect, smooth, single stems 0.5-1 meter (1.6-3.3ft) tall that grow in clumps or patches. Grows from a thick fleshy, branched, black root. Leaves are simple, entire, and alternating along the stem. Leaf surfaces are smooth b...
- Skunk Management
This publication offers solutions to make lawn/landscape unattractive to skunks.
- SCFC -Primary Wood Industries in South Carolina
Primary Wood Processors in South Carolina- sawmills, veneer mills, pulp and paper mills.
- Pruning deciduous Trees and Shrubs
Pruning is essential for attractive, healthy trees and shrubs and improves the quality of flowers, fruit, and foliage. The best way to avoid difficult pruning jobs is to plan ahead; select plants that will fit available space after the plants have matured to their maximum size.
- Producing and Marketing Wild Simulated Ginseng in Forest and Agroforestry Systems
Within this publication, a system of growing ginseng called wild simulated ginseng production will be described. Using this production system, landowners may establish naturalized populations of wild American ginseng on the forest floor in their privately-owned woodlands.
- Pests That Affect Human Health: Poisonous Spiders and Scorpions
Spiders and scorpions have long been looked upon with fear as loathsome and venomous creatures, but in their natural habitats, spiders and scorpions are beneficial to humans.
- Pest Alert: Gypsy Moth
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Added: July 26, 2008The gypsy moth has been an important pest of hardwoods in the Northeastern United States since its introduction in 1869. Established populations exist in all or parts of 19 states from Maine to Wisconsin and south to Illinois and generally in a southeasterly line from Illinois to northeastern North Carolina.
- Nutrient Deficiencies in Trees
This fact sheet provides information on``some of the nutritional deficiencies found in urban trees in``Tennessee and the responses of trees to those deficiencies.
- Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii)
Kirtland's warbler is the only gray-backed warbler in the eastern United States that wags its tail. This small songbird is about 4.75 inches long (12 cm) with a black-streaked back that extends onto the yellow underside. A white ring circles the eye. Desp...
- Forest Pest Control Perspective
Many of the pest problems in forests are present because of past forest practices. Exploitive harvesting has left nonmerchantable trees, brush, and nonstocked lands covered with weeds that prevent regeneration of desired species. Present forest managers are now adopting management methods that minimize the creation of new pest problems.
- Forest Encyclopedia Network
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Added: September 17, 2008The Forest Encyclopedia Network consists of a growing number of encyclopedias covering different fields of forest science including Southern Fire Science, Southern Appalachian Forest Ecosystems, Southern Bioenergy Resources, Forest Environmental Threats, and the Southern Pine Beetle.
- Flying Squirrels in the Wild Garden
Everybody knows that blue birds nest in spring and summer. The rest of the year bird boxes are empty. Really? Ever thought of going out on a winter's day and checking your blue bird boxes? Carefully open the top and look inside.
- Wildlife Publications
A series of brief, illustrated, non-technical information sheets that describe life history, food sources, and management tips for forest and urban dwelling wildlife. This series is tailored for landowners, homeowners and students.
- University of Minnesota Libraries
Indexes, databases and bibliographic citations
- Understanding the Science Behind Riparian Forest Buffers: An Overview
The riparian area is that area of land located immediately adjacent to streams, lakes, or other surface waters. Through the interaction of their soils, hydrology, and biotic communities, riparian forests maintain many important physical, biological, and ecological functions and important social benefits.
- Tree Risk Management and Hazard Assessment: A General Overview
Management of urban forests includes maintenance, protection and prevention of problems. It denotes expertise at the organism level, and fimiliarity and knowledge of social systems.
- Tree Decay: An Expanded Concept
The purpose of this publication is to clarify further the tree decay concept that expands the classical concept to include the orderly response of the tree to wounding and infection-compartmentalization-and the orderly infection of wounds by many microorganisms-successions.
- Tree and Shrub Selection
Educational materials containing tree and shrub selection information
- Responsible Winter Storage of Pesticides and Fertilizers
This publication explains the importance of properly storing pesticides and fertilizers.
- Increase Woodland Products Through Timber Stand Improvement
Many options are open to woodland owners. They may use a TSI program to increase the woodland's value for timber products, water, recreation, forage, wildlife, natural beauty, or for special products. Fortunately, work done to improve one use also benefits others in most cases.
- How to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees
Trees add to our enjoyment of outdoor experiences whether in forests, parks, or urban landscapes. Too often, we are unaware of the risks associated with defective trees, which can cause personal injury and property damage. Interest in hazard tree management has increased in recent years due to safety and liability concerns resulting from preventable accidents. Recognizing hazardous trees and taking proper corrective actions can protect property and save lives.
- Forest Management Planning
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Added: October 05, 2008This page provides the basic ingredients needed for preparing a sound forest management plan.
- Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest
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Added: October 31, 2008Welcome to the tree identification Home Page at Oregon State University! The purpose of this site is to help you identify common conifers and broadleaves in the Pacific Northwest. Feel free to skip through the pages to learn more about specific genera, or to try your hand at identifying a tree specimen with a user-friendly dichotomous key. If you don't have a specimen handy, go to the mystery tree pages to try to identify the trees pictured.
- Collecting Insects Pinning and Labeling
This publication describes ways of pinning and labeling various insects for display.
- Why Many Shade Trees Cannot Be Marketed
There are several reasons why lumbermen are usually not interested in purchasing shade trees of any species, including black walnut. This publication explains some of these reasons and offers suggestions to follow when sale of a shade tree is possible.