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Forestry Guide

Forestry Guide is an internet based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in Forestry. Resources are described and evaluated with a set of metadata based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element. Each resource is described with a set of metadata based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set in order to make records browsable in the Subject Catalog or the Source Type Catalog as well as searchable with local Search Options.

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Riparian Forest Buffers

This fact sheet is intended to identify the benefits of riparian areas, describe the various riparian systems in Oklahoma, and suggest appropriate management practices to help maintain them.

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Winter Kill in Channel Catfish

Winter Kill Syndrome is a serious disease affecting farm-raised channel catfish during colder months.

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Wildlife Food Planting Guide For The Southeast

This guide has been designed for the Southeast to help landowners, recreation clubs, and hunters better manage populations of the white-tailed deer, eastern wild turkey, bobwhite quail, mourning dove, and various species of waterfowl by providing wildlife habitat and food-planting management techniques.

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Organic Fertilizers

Compared to synthetic fertilizer formulations,organic fertilizers contain relatively low concentrations of actual nutrients, but they perform important functions which the synthetic formulations do not.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people..

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Smoke Management Guidelines

The South Carolina Smoke Management Guidelines provide for minimizing the impact of smoke from vegetative debris burning operations.``To do this, the Guidelines define smoke sensitive areas, amounts of vegetative debris that may be burned, and atmospheric conditions suitable for burning this debris

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Tennesee Yellow-eyed Grass (Xyris tenneseensis)

A narrow-leaved perennial 0.5 - 0.8 meters (20 - 32 in) tall; grows in clumps from a fleshy bulb-like base wrapped with small, dark-purple outer leaves. Interior leaves are larger, longer, flat to slightly twisted, smooth-edged and linear. These deep gree...

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Pruning Ice-Damaged Trees

A full discussion of recovering from ice storm damage to trees: assessment of damage, repairs, removal, tools, leader replacement, straightening bent trees, and a bibliography and list of information sources.GO TO ARTICLE #48

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Thinning Your Timber for Profit

Thinning is a process in which a certain number of trees are removed from a stand to increase the growing space available to the residual stand of timber (the trees that are left to grow) and sold to make some money from the timber that is removed.

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Fish Kills in Indiana: Their Causes and Prevention
Hits: 1 Rating: 3.05555555556 Votes: 18 Rate It
Added: March 21, 2008

For anyone who has a stocked pond--and there are thousands in Indiana--fish kills can be quite a problem. The condition called "fish kill" occurs when a number of fish in a given body of water die from a specific cause. This publication discusses causes of "fish kills" and measures of prevention.

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Do Trees Pollute?
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Added: November 05, 2008

There is no doubt that air pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humankind in the 21st century. Air pollution can impact human health, damage the environment, reduce food crops yields, damage property, and reduce visibility. Of the various pollutants, ozone pollution is the one most often linked to emissions from trees. But are trees and forests part of the problem, or are they part of the solution?

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Control of Nitrogen Levels in Trees

From an energy standpoint, uptake and reduction of nitrates with incorporation into an organic framework is one of the most expensive tasks a tree performs. It would hardly be worthwhile if useable nitrogen in the environment was not at a premium.

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Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas

Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas is a web-based project of the Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group, that provides information for the general public, land managers, researchers, and others on the serious threat and impacts of invasive alien (exotic, non-native) plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems of the United States.

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Chipmunk Control BROKEN
Hits: 2 Rating: 3.03571428571 Votes: 28 Rate It
Added: November 04, 2008

Information on chipmunk biology and tips for controlling damage.

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Citrus Cold Weather Protection and Irrigation Scheduling Tools Using Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) Data

With a crop value of $597 million in 2006/07, citrus is the most important horticultural crop grown in Florida. The 2.4 million tons of annual citrus production in Florida accounts for approximately 75 and 20% of United States and world citrus production, respectively. Agricultural water use has become a greater concern for citrus production in Florida due to increasing competition between agricultural, commercial, and residential use of limited water supplies. Tools have been developed for the FAWN that will assist citrus growers in improving frost protection and irrigation scheduling while saving water. These tools are the Cold Protection Toolkit and the Citrus Microsprinkler Irrigation Scheduler. Use of these tools, potential benefits to citrus growers and water savings are described below.

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Timber Sale Volumes, Weights and Prices

Timber is Georgia's number one single cash crop for landowners. However, buying or selling timber can be a puzzling process, since different units of measure may be used for different products.

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Wildfire Facts

South Carolina Forestry Commission ``wildfire facts

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Tree Heat Stress Syndrome
Hits: 1 Rating: 3.0 Votes: 19 Rate It
Added: October 20, 2008

Georgia can have many hot days during the year. From the North Georgia mountains to the coast, these large heat loads can influence plant growth.Figure #1; Figure #2. Trees and shrubs generally have optimum growing conditions across the range of temperatu...

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Tree Hazards: Recognition and Reduction in Recreation Sites

This publication is primarily for the practicing forester or technician who has responsibility for the administration, operation, and maintenance of recreation sites, particularly campgrounds, picnic grounds, and winter sports areas in the central Rocky Mountains.

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Tree Growth Rings: Formation and Form

Trees sense and respond to a host of environmental events and changes. Trees integrate these separate responses to individual conditions into a general whole-tree reaction. A growth increment represents hundreds of internal and external variables put into...

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Timber Sale Security Guidelines for CRP Plantations
Hits: 7 Rating: 3.0 Votes: 20 Rate It
Added: October 20, 2008

To a landowner, timber is a valuable asset. It often seems to grow by itself, requiring little care or management. However, there are security concerns during the entire process of producing salable products from a forest.

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The Role of the State Forestry Agency in Urban Forestry

This manual provides basic information for State forestry agency employees and others who work with communities on urban forestry. It can be used for self-guided learning, finding specific information on a topic and developing workshops and presentations.

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The Mimosa Webworm in Missouri

Two factors have brought about the increased importance of this pest: the extensive loss of American elm trees due to Dutch elm disease and phloem necrosis, and the increased use of the honey locust and its varieties as a replacement for the American elm in landscape plantings. Increased use of mimosa in landscape work also is a contributing factor.

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Southern Center for Sustainable Forestry

The Southern Center for Sustainable Forests provides innovative research and practical applications for enhancing sustainable forest management on industrial and nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) land in the South.

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Pruning Trees

This site provides a step-by-step guide to pruning trees with topics including how to prune, when to prune, and how much to prune.

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Protecting Trees and Shrubs Against Winter Damage

Minnesota's harsh climate is often responsible for severe damage to landscape plants. Winter sun, wind, and cold temperatures can bleach and desiccate evergreen foliage, damage bark, and injure or kill branches, flowerbuds, and roots. Snow and ice can break branches and topple entire trees. All is not bleak, however, as landscape plants can be protected to minimize some of this injury.

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Predicting Potential Loss from the Southern Pine Beetle in the Piedmont of South Carolina

Forest managers concerned with southern pine beetle (SPB) impact may use an appropriate rating system to determine which stands are most susceptible. The results of such stand ratings will provide guidance in determining areas needing cultural treatment to prevent losses from the SPB.

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Managing Your Timberland
Hits: 4 Rating: 3.0 Votes: 18 Rate It
Added: September 24, 2003

Forestland owners always face a variety of alternatives regarding managemen of their lands. Each landowner tends to be unique in the way he or she chooses to manage. Some manage intensively for maximum production of the timber resource. Others manage for a variety of benefits in addition to timber maximization, such as production of wildlife habitat or aesthetics. Some do not manage at all.

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Management of Wood Ducks on Private Lands and Waters

Of the many wildlife management practices the private landowner can do, few are as rewarding as those which favor wood ducks. Wood ducks and a multitude of other wildlife species respond readily to managed wetlands. Conservation practices on existing wetlands and creation of new wetlands on private lands are keys to sustaining valuable wildlife resources.

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