Quality Wood Products from Georgia Forestry


"Continued population growth and the assumed expansion of the United States economy will impact heavily on the forest resources of the United States. Additionally, changes in social values and attitudes are increasing the demand on the forest resources to produce a variety of goods and services. Such demands are shifting harvesting pressure from western to eastern forests." (Rosson, 1995). Forestry in the state of Georgia is reported as the number one manufacturing industry in the state in employment, output, and value added. The purpose of this presentation is to explore issues related to timber product output, forest land resources, ownership, employment, output, value added, and other forestry resource related issues in Georgia. Also, comparisons are made with other agricultural crops in Georgia and in the region.

The link address is: http://warnell.forestry.uga.edu/service/library/index.php3?docID=135&docHistory%5B%5D=14

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