Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus


More than nearly any other factor, freezes have caused some of the most dramatic changes in fruit supply, availability, and price. Thus, any method that provides some cold protection can be of major importance to citrus growers. Many cold protection methods have been used over the years. These methods include heaters, wind machines, fog generators, high volume over-tree irrigation, and low volume undertree microsprinkler irrigation. Low volume undertree microsprinkler irrigation is an alternative method for partial frost protection and can be more affordable than other methods (Fig. 1). Microsprinklers have proven effective during several freeze nights in central Florida tests. In addition to frost protection, microsprinklers can provide effective year-round irrigation

The link address is: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ch182

School of Forest Resources and Conservation Extension, UFL
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