What's Cool
- Quality Deer Management: Guidelines for Implementation
Traditionally, deer management has concentrated on increasing the deer population by protecting the antlerless segment, and focusing on quantity. This publication discusses the shift in management efforts to now focus on quality.
- Interpreting Streamflow Forecasts
Each month, five forecasts are issued for each forecast point and each forecast period. Unless otherwise specified, all streamflow forecasts are for streamflow volumes that would occur naturally without any upstream influences. Water users need to know what the different forecasts represent if they are to use the information correctly when making operational decisions. The following is an explanation of each of the forecasts
- Determining the Value of an Orchard Tree
Determining the value of an orchard tree that has been destroyed by natural or unnatural causes is required for tax and insurance purposes and for Federal/State agricultural assistance programs. Coming up with reliable estimates is not simple and can be very expensive when hiring consultants. The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions for using the agecon-trec software program to estimate the value of a tree that has been destroyed.
- Quality Drying of Hardwood Lumber
Easy to use tools to improve hardwood lumber drying operations
- Marketing Your Timber for Top Dollar
Got a big tree? It might be worth $2, $20, or $200 sold where it stands! Timbered acres can be worth a lot of money--sometimes more than cropland. How much money depends upon what you have and what buyers want. This fact sheet briefly describes how trees used for wood products are valued and measured.
- Developing a Plan to Care For Your Forest
- Creating a Water-Wise Landscape
Minimizing the need for watering in your landscape requires careful observation, planning, and common sense. Several principles for water- wise landscaping include choosing the best design and plants, preparing soils, and watering properly for efficient water use.
- Zebra Mussels Pose a Threat to Virginia's Waters
This publication explains the economic and biological consequences of zebra mussels, along with offering potential solutions for protecting Virginia's rivers and reservoirs from infestation.
- Utilizing Small Timber Volumes with Portable Sawmills: Guidelines for Log and Lumber Measurement
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Added: February 08, 2008This guide provides practical information on how to measure the volume of logs and lumber, as well as estimating the approximate cost of having the logs sawn.
- Secondary Growth Anatomy and Tree Rings
Trees attempt to occupy more space and control available resources through cell divisions and cell expansion. From the end of a shoot tip to the end of a root tip, trees elongate. Along this axis of growth, trees also expand radially, which is termed "sec...
- Wood Fuel for Heating
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Added: February 26, 2008The heating value of properly prepared fuel wood compares favorably with other fuels. When you can get fuel wood from a woodland through timber-stand improvement, the woodland also benefits.
- Turtles In Mississippi Farm Ponds
Farm ponds and lakes scattered across the Mississippi landscape provide an excellent habitat for many species of turtles.
- Tree Photos
Click on the name of a tree to see photos.
- There Could Be A "Pot of Gold" on Your Land
This information sheet helps landowners figure out how many acres they have in forest land, the quantity of timber, its quality, value, and other characteristics.
- The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management
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Added: January 05, 2008Got a problem with an animal pest, even though its "wildlife"? We offer you solutions, from armadillos to salamanders, from bats to deer, for your damage problems that are caused by wild animals.
- Private Landowners Rate Forest Certification
- Planners Web
Planning Commissioners Journal: Planners Web - City and Regional Planning Resources
- Managing Nuisance Animals and Associated Damage Around the Home
If you have unwanted wild animals around your home or garden, you can be sure there is enough food, water and cover for them. The solution to the problem involves removing at least one of these.
- Longleaf pine ecosystem restoration: the role of the USDA Forest Service
The greater longleaf pine ecosystem once occupied over 90 million acres from southeastern Virginia, south to central Florida, and west to eastern Texas. Today less than 3 million acres remain, with much of the remaining understory communities in an unhealthy state. A number of public and private conservation organizations are conducting collaborative longleaf pine ecosystem restoration activities throughout the South.
- Interface South
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Added: July 18, 2002Interface South was developed by the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station and Southern Region to heighten awareness of wildland-urban interface issues. It also addresses the growing need for information and tools by natural resource professionals, private landowners, homeowners and others affected by the changes occurring in southern forests.
- How to Buy and Sell Cordwood
One of the first questions wood burners ask about wood is "How much per cord?" Price is important, but just as important is agreement on a standard way to measure and transfer the wood. Both the buyer and seller must agree and understand the procedure.
- Growing Shiitake Mushrooms
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Added: September 25, 2003Shiitake is an edible mushroom that grows on wood from a variety of tree species. Due to its ease of cultivation and its pungent flavor, Shiitake is being considered as an``alternative crop in many areas of the United States.
- click-forestry
Directory of UK forestry products and services
- Biological Diversity: Is Variety the Spice of Life?
- Anthracnose - A Fungal Disease of Shade Trees
Anthracnose is a name for a group of diseases caused by several closely related fungi that attack many of our finest shade trees. This publication describes common anthracnose fungus, its symptoms, and methods of controlling it.
- Lake States Woodlands: Measuring Trees and Estimating Volume
Diameter at breast height (DBH) is the single most important tree measurement when cruising (inventorying) timber stands to determine value. Woodland owners and managers use DBH for estimating the tree's volume and weight, for assessing stand density, for determining merchantability, and for estimating tree height.
- Managing for Hardwood
Benefits from hardwood forests include watershed protection, wildlife, timber, recreation, and aesthetics. Increased demand for hardwood, due to tighter controls on federal lands and the hardwood exports, has increased the need for management of existing hardwood stands.
- Sawflies
Sawflies are a large and diverse group of insects that defoliate hardwood and coniferous trees in the United States.
- Managing For Quail In Forested Habitats
Georgias Stewardship Forests:``Managing for Quail in Forested Habitats
- Exotic Pest Plants and Their Control
The first line of defense against an alien plant takeover is a constant surveillance for new arrivals. Early detection and treatment will minimize efforts and costs that come with treating well-established plants or full-blown infestations. Much more effort is required for successful eradication of established infestations, but it``can still be accomplished with proper treatments described here.