What's Cool
- Coloring Christmas Trees Before Harvest
For some species, such as Fraser fir, the deep green color can be maintained by adequate levels of soil fertility. The application of nitrogen fertilizers on a regular basis is sufficient to maintain healthy trees with the desired color. Many species, however, are not so responsive to fertilizers, and for these, the most common way to maintain the desired color is to spray them with a colorant.
- Assessing Landscape Tree Loss After a Disaster
Along with assessing structural damage to property caused by a storm or flood, property owners may need to calculate the financial loss represented by damage to trees and other landscaping. This publication helps owners determine the value of the damaged trees and landscaping.
The Wood In Transportation (WIT) Program, formerly known as the National Timber Bridge Initiative, has funded over 322 modern timber bridge projects in 48 states during the last nine years. More than 195 have been completed, and they are demonstrating the use of wood in transportation applications.
- Tax Treatment from Timber Sales
- Principles of Regeneration Silviculture in Virginia
Silviculture, the part of forest management that deals with the biology of tree growth, is the art and science of producing, tending, and manipulating forest stands. Silvicultural practices include regenerating the forest, maintaining tree growth, and harvesting trees in order to satisfy the landowner's objectives.
- Environmental Management
Protecting other resources while conducting forest management activities is what good stewardship is all about.
- Community Forestry
Resources and case studies on landowners managing multiple properties cooperatively.
- Marketing and Selling Your Timber
Your forest may be more valuable than you know. This publication outlines points to consider when marketing/selling your timber.
- Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 1997 Tax Year
The long term capital gains rate has been reduced significantly--if you sold your timber at the right time and you met the correct holding period requirements. These new rules, plus the information that follows, are some things to keep in mind.
- Selection and Care of Christmas Trees
Selection of the "perfect" Christmas tree can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. By following a few simple procedures, buyers can select trees which will meet their needs throughout the holiday season.
- Landscape and Human Health Laboratory
A multidisciplinary research laboratory dedicated to studying ``the relationships between people and the environments they inhabit
- Black-spored Quillwort (Isoetes melanospora)
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Added: October 20, 2008Aquatic plant 3-8 centimeters (1.2-3.2in) tall that reproduces by spores. Has five to 10 pointed, stiff and needle-like leaves, about 5-7 centimeters (2-2.8 in) long and 1 millimeter (0.04 in) wide. Leaves have light green tops that yellow toward the base...
- Sand Hills State Forest
Part of a unique ecosystem, the Sand Hills State Forest is located between the piedmont and coastal plain of South Carolina in Chesterfield and Da
- Plant Trees Right!
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Added: October 25, 2008Getting trees started correctly in your yard, along streets or in a park is critical to long tree life, easy care and low-cost maintenance. One way to ensure trees are planted correctly is to give them plenty of room to grow. Fruit trees, trees in landscape beds and specimen ornamental trees are grown for different reasons and are not planted the same way as shade and street trees. Here, we deal with shade and street tree planting.
- Trees and Ice Storms: Ice Storm Resistant Urban Trees
Susceptibility ratings of species commonly planted in urban areas are presented for use in developing and maintaining healthy urban tree populations. Includes information about what causes ice storms.
- Tree-Literate Treehouses
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Added: November 05, 2008There is an attraction between trees and children. A tree's constant motion even in the stillest air, and its great size and reach make a tree fascinating. At some stage during child development, when motor skills and hand grip are refined and strong, tree climbing becomes a play task. The world is filled with trees to climb.
- Soil Constraints on Root Growth
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Added: October 31, 2008Managed tree root growth control is required to minimize impacts on infrastructures. To constrain root growth, identification of soil attributes that limit growth is required. By understanding what soil conditions limit growth, various tools and techniques can be used to stop, redirect, or slow tree root elongation. Tree-literacy incorporates soil and tree health into a single concept for quality management.
- Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
Forest fragmentation from urban sprawl is a site-level phenomenon; however, it affects conservation of biodiversity at landscape and regional scales. Impediments to conservation occur when crossing jurisdictional and agency (local, state, and federal) boundaries.
- A Checklist for Efficient Log Trucking
A great guide for lowering cost associated with log transportation.
- Cercosporidium Blight of Leyland Cypress and Related Conifers
Profiles Cercosporidium Blight and the conifer trees it affects
- Flatwoods Citrus Best Management Practice: Minimizing Direct Deposition of Pesticides into Waterways
Details how to best avoid and lessen water contamination due to pesticide use
- Needlecasts of Pines in Florida
Describes the Needlecast fungi affecting Florida pines
- Snakes of Georgia
Powerpoint slides of the snakes of Georgia.
- Selected Bibliography: Ecological Restoration
Anderson P. 1995. Ecological restoration and creation: A review. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 56 (Suppl. A): 187-211. Anderson TA; Kruger EL; Coats JR; Schepart BS. 1995. Rhizosphere microbial communities of herbicide tolerant plants as pote...
- Growing Shiitake Mushrooms
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Added: October 06, 2008As an alternative enterprise in the United States, Shiitake represents a way to utilize a forest resource that, in many cases,is considered a weed.
- Wisconsin Woodlands: Harvesting and Forest Management
This publication provides a discussion of harvest cuts.
- When Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall, Why Do They Turn Colors
One of the biggest tourist attractions in New England is the fall leaf colors. But why do the tree leaves develop the beautiful red, orange, and yellow colors in the fall of the year?
- Waterfowl Management
Since the first discovery of North America, its``waterfowl have been a never-ending source of``pleasure and inspiration. The continent is lucky to``have a wide variety of waterfowl that includes``different ducks, geese, and swans. No other portion``of the earth displays such a vast number of so many``different ducks and geese. As is true with all wildlife,``waterfowl display certain needs in their survival. In this activity you will learn about waterfowl and their needs in survival.
- Using Soils to Guide Fertilizer Recommendations for Southern Pines
This circular characterizes forest soils of the lower Coastal Plain region and presents fertilizer recommendations for the various CRIFF groups.
- Urban forest Health Needs Assessment Survey
The Urban Forest Health Needs Assessment Survey was designed to query urban forestry professionals and learn about their attitudes toward the general issue of urban forest health, identify specific training and information needs in the areas of urban tree health management, and discover preferences in educational outreach methods.