What's Cool
- Basics of Tree ID
Identifying and Classifying organisms is fundamental to Biological Sciences. All living things are divided up into groups. Each individual in the group has similar characteristics. The broadest group is the Kingdom and the most specific group is the species.
- Trees to Plant In Containers or Wells
Landscaping in a small area is challenging, but popular. Planting trees in small areas can limit root and shoot development. Proper selection of plant material for small areas is important to ensure a healthy environment for the plant. Sidewalks, patios, decks, entrances, courtyards and other small areas can be landscaped with the use of containers or wells with restricted soil area.
- BMP Courtesy Checks: Solutions to Better Water
Using BMPs to ensure the highest quality water
- Amber Darter (Percina antesella)
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Added: October 20, 2008The amber darter is a small perch-like fish usually less than 2.5 inches (6 cm) long with a series of dark blotches along the sides and four dark "saddles" along the back It is a golden to brown color on the back, amber or yellowish along the middle of th...
- South Carolina State Forest Recreation
Recreation and information on SC's three state forests.
- Financial analysis of growing loblolly pine in a 33-year rotation
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Added: November 10, 2008Financial analysis of growing loblolly pine in a 33-year rotation, with wildlife food plot and hunting lease assumptions.
- Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs and Vines in Your Woodland
- Handling Christmas Trees on the Retail Lot
Quality Christmas trees can be made available to consumers only if proper handling procedures are followed during harvest, shipping, storage and display. The retail lot is a critical point in this process, where trees are often maintained in less than optimal conditions.
- Management of Wood Ducks on Private Lands and Waters
Of the many wildlife management practices the private landowner can do, few are as rewarding as those which favor wood ducks. Wood ducks and a multitude of other wildlife species respond readily to managed wetlands. Conservation practices on existing wetlands and creation of new wetlands on private lands are keys to sustaining valuable wildlife resources.
- Food Plots - Common Plants
Food plots are widely used by landowners to improve wildlife habitat. Food plots can be used to attract animals for harvest or viewing. In general, food plots are an expensive attempt to improve wildlife habitat. Food plots have little or no wildlife value if food plots are established at the expense of maintaining cover. Wildlife needs both adequate food and cover within a reasonable distance of each other.
- Needle Cast of Pines
describes and details the Needle casts that plague Florida's pine trees
- First, see a forester
More than 60 percent of North Carolina is forested, but much of this valuable resource is not actively``managed. Properly managed forests can generate extra money from the sale of timber products; improve wildlife habitat, aesthetics, recreation, and``water quality; and increase land value. By seeking the assistance of a professional forester, you can maximize``the return on your forestlands.
- Urban and Community Forestry - USDA Forest Service
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Added: November 05, 2008As our cities grow larger and faster than ever before, urban forestry has become an integral part of building sustainable urban communities. "Vital Communities through Healthy Ecosystems" is the Forest Service emphasis for managing urban and community forests.
- Predicting Potential Loss from the Southern Pine Beetle in the Piedmont of South Carolina
Forest managers concerned with southern pine beetle (SPB) impact may use an appropriate rating system to determine which stands are most susceptible. The results of such stand ratings will provide guidance in determining areas needing cultural treatment to prevent losses from the SPB.
- Guidelines for Developing and Evaluating Tree Ordinances
- Feeding Wild Birds
To the responsible person, the decision to feed wild birds is not a casual one. Such a commitment carries with it the expectation of attracting a handsome, interesting variety of birds. Furthermore, most of us want to get the most for our time and money.
- Changing Colors of Leaves
This publication explains what triggers the color change in autumn, which color each species becomes, and the causes of variation in color.
- Private Landowners Guide to Forest Certification in the South
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Added: September 17, 2008After hearing the phrase forest certification, many people ask, what, how, and why. This publication helps forest landowners understand forest certification, how it began, why it should be considered, what types of certification systems are available, and the steps necessary to become certified.
- Tree Strength & Cross-sectional Area
Assessing trees for structural integrity continues to be critical for risk management in landscapes, along right-of-ways, and for storm damage management.
- Southern Hardwood Management Manual
We hope this publication will serve to expand the private forest landowners' horizon to the possibilities of hardwood management. We have assembled chapters on the various hardwood forest types found across the South. Other chapters address management practices designed to regenerate and maintain stand and site quality, plus many other benefits.
- Trend-Spotting in the Garden
I did a survey of University of Georgia Extension Service agents recently to see what kinds of wildlife management are in demand. Surveys help spot trends to see what people want to know.
- Tree Hazards: Recognition and Reduction in Recreation Sites
This publication is primarily for the practicing forester or technician who has responsibility for the administration, operation, and maintenance of recreation sites, particularly campgrounds, picnic grounds, and winter sports areas in the central Rocky Mountains.
- Forest Roads and Construction of Associated Water Diversion Devices
Roads provide access to forest resources, but poorly designed roads increase maintenance costs, restrict access, and create environmental problems.
- Forest Products Marking Program
Forest Products Marking Program which involves the monitoring of all steps from the time a forest product leaves the forest until it reaches its final destination, such as a retailer's shelves. With the advent of this new marking program, retailers, manufacturers, homebuilders and consumers who support responsible forest management will be able to more easily identify which products come from forests certified to CAN/CSA Z809 Canada's National Standard for Sustainable Forest Management.
- Soil Organic Matter
Organic matter makes up only a small part of the soil. However, even in small amounts, organic matter is very important. This fact sheet answers some basic questions about soil organic matter.
- Understanding the Science Behind Riparian Forest Buffers: Effects on Water Quality
Riparian forests protect water quality by reducing the amount of sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants that enter streams, lakes, and other surface waters.
- Tree Crops for Marginal Farmland Royal Paulownia
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Added: February 12, 2008This guide briefly describes the methods and costs of growing Royal Paulownia trees in the southern United States. It includes a financial analysis which uses estimated costs and expected returns to evaluate a representative investment.
- Hurricanes and the Harvesting Decisions
This paper addresses the generic question of whether a crop should be harvested after sustaining significant loss. This paper provides a citrus grower with a roadmap to determine the economic criteria for harvesting the remaining crop. Conversely, when is it in the best economic interest for a grower to abandon the remaining crop? While the hurricanes of 2004 motivated this paper, the analysis is applicable to any situation arising from natural disasters, pest infestations, or collapsing market prices.
- The Mimosa Webworm in Missouri
Two factors have brought about the increased importance of this pest: the extensive loss of American elm trees due to Dutch elm disease and phloem necrosis, and the increased use of the honey locust and its varieties as a replacement for the American elm in landscape plantings. Increased use of mimosa in landscape work also is a contributing factor.
- Storing Pesticides Safely
Proper storage of pesticides, both synthetic and botanical, in and around the home is important for many reasons, including protection of human health, preservation of the environment, and maintenance of chemical effectiveness. One way to minimize storage problems is through good planning.