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Texas Forest Service

The Texas Forest Service was created in 1915 by the 34th Legislature as an integral part of The Texas A&M University System. It is mandated by law to "assume direction of all forest interests and all matters pertaining to forestry within the jurisdiction of the state."

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Storing Pesticides Safely

Proper storage of pesticides, both synthetic and botanical, in and around the home is important for many reasons, including protection of human health, preservation of the environment, and maintenance of chemical effectiveness. One way to minimize storage problems is through good planning.

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Southern Catalpa: "The Fish Bait Tree"
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.71428571429 Votes: 28 Rate It
Added: October 25, 2008

The Southern catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) tree is a common fixture along roadsides and in old yards. The big green leaves and distinctive long dangling fruits are noticeable from hundreds of yards. Although used in the past for a variety of wood-based products, today catalpa is used for shade trees and for growing a special caterpillar. This catalpa “worm” is prized by fishing enthusiast across the South.

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Snakes Alive! How To Identify Snakes
Hits: 3 Rating: 2.71428571429 Votes: 14 Rate It
Added: October 05, 2008

Most poisonous snakes in the United States belong to the pit viper group. The pit viper has pits on its head, vertical pupils, a triangular head, slim neck, and a heavy body with a single row of scales on the underside of the tail.

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Seasoning to Prevent Defects in Green Wood
Hits: 2 Rating: 2.71428571429 Votes: 42 Rate It
Added: November 05, 2008

This publication provides information on some of problems and basic principles involved in seasoning lumber, wood disks and other small pieces of wood. It is intended to help individuals who would like to season small quantities of wood inexpensively and without sacrificing quality. Small mill owners may also find this information useful in the manufacture of dried wood products.

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Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place
Hits: 2 Rating: 2.71428571429 Votes: 28 Rate It
Added: July 19, 2008

Trees planted in the wrong place can cause property damage and become a detriment rather than an asset. Planning the location and species of a tree will ensure that the tree will be an asset and not grow into a hazard or a nuisance.

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National Agroforestry Center

A useful site for everyone interested in the practice of agroforestry in North America.

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Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) is a submersed aquatic plant that forms nearly impenetrable mats of stems and leaves at the surface of the water. Originally called Florida elodea, this plant causes many problems in ponds, lakes, and rivers.

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Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum)

Found on and around wet sand bars, shoals, seeps, fast-flowing clear rocky streams, wet savanna meadows, shallow depressions in flatwoods, shallow pineland pools and ditches. Grows well under open canopies of oak, hickory, and pine. Short duration, annual...

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Timber Mart-South

Survey and report southeastern US timber prices: stumpage and delivered.

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Oaks and Other Trees May Naturally Shed Small Branches

From time to time, natural pruning of small branches from oaks and other trees causes alarm to homeowners because they think the tree is dying. This is referred to as branch abscission or cladoptosis. A similar abscission process occurs when deciduous trees shed their leaves each fall.

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The Association of Consulting Foresters of America

(ACF) was founded in 1948 to advance the professionalism, ethics, and interests of professional foresters whose primary work was consulting to the public.

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Snakes and Their Control
Hits: 2 Rating: 2.70588235294 Votes: 17 Rate It
Added: October 20, 2008

No other creatures provoke such simultaneous conflicting feelings as do snakes. We are at once attracted and repelled, intrigued by them and their habits and at the same time seized by an almost overwhelming urge to kill.

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Paulownia Log Grades: Specifications and Uses

This publication provides grade specifications that can be used as a guideline for determining the relative value of Paulownia logs.

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Hunter Safety After a Disaster

A major storm adds new dimensions to hunter safety. Hunters must be aware of the increased hazards. In some heavily damaged areas, hunting may be limited or cancelled for the year. Before going afield, it is advisable to check with your state's wildlife department to see if your favorite hunting spot falls into the closed category.

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Cutting Firewood Safely

Cutting your own firewood can be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience if done properly. However, if it is done improperly without regard to safe cutting techniques, serious injury or death can result.

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Urban Integrated Pest Management

People are becoming more aware of and concerned about the effects of chemicals on our environment. The impact of the use of pesticides on drinking water and food production, as well as the impact in homes and landscapes has become a significant social concern. Many people have begun to wonder if there are ways to reduce or eliminate pesticide use in non-agricultural settings.

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Herbicide Use: Information and Guidelines

Herbicides are used to treat weeds and grasses to allow seedlings to grow. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) provides information and guidelines on herbicide use.

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A Landowner's Guide to Wildlife Abundance Through Forestry

The satisfaction of working with nature to increase wildlife abundance, and at the same time, of leaving to the next generation property of increasing economic and esthetic values can be yours through careful but decisive management.

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Life in the Sea Member Manual

Life in the Sea Member Manual (4H MEM 30) is a project guide is for 4-H members ages 10 and up. 4-H'ers will learn about dolphins, manatees, seals and sea lions, penguins, treasures from the sea, Caribbean / Atlantic coast tide pool, and coral reefs. In addition to this project guide 4-H'ers can complete the accompanying record book (4H MER 02).

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4-H Member's Guide: Starting and Maintaining a Marine Aquarium

This project is intended for those 4-H members who have an interest in aquariums and would like to start a project on salt water aquariums. To satisfactorily complete this project you must read the information carefully, do what is suggested, keep accurate data and successfully maintain your salt water aquarium for a period of at least six months.

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Needle Necrosis of Norfolk Island Pine

Describes the needle necrosis of Norfolk Island pines, caused by the Collectotrichum derridis fungus (with supplementary pictures)

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Pentastomid Infections in Fish

The pentastomes are a group of worm-like parasites that infect many different species of fish. Infections have been found in several families of fish including the Cichlidae (tilapia), Cyprinidae (danios), Cyprinodontidae (flagfish), and Poecilidae (mosquitofish, swordtails, mollies, platies).

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Wildland Urban Interface South

Interface South was developed by the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station and Southern Region to heighten awareness of and provide information about wildland-urban interface issues. Critical interface issues include fire, watershed management, wildlife conservation and management, land use planning and policy, and many more.

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Temporary ESA Priority Changes

The USDI-Fish and Wildlife Service has clear priority-setting procedures for listing endangered and threatened species (e.g. Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended). To review this numeric system please see University of Georgia Cooperative Exte...

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Scientific Classification of Trees: An Introduction for Wood Workers

Those who work with wood should be able to distinguish between different woods and be familiar with features that make different kinds of wood react differently to cutting, surfacing, finishing, etc. An obvious first step in accomplishing these tasks is to be able to properly identify and name an unknown wood.

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Managing Trees and Turfgrasses

Trees and turfgrasses commonly share the same landscape. Both require space, light, water, air, essential nutrients, and the appropriate temperature for growth, but there is often a stuggle to maintian quality turf under healthy trees.

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Federal Grant Forms
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.6976744186 Votes: 43 Rate It
Added: November 20, 2008

Standard Forms 424 and SF-424a are the basis for most federal grant programs and can be downloaded from this site.

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Tree-ring Porosity Forms in Hardwoods
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.69696969697 Votes: 33 Rate It
Added: October 25, 2008

One growth increment of a tree, commonly called a “growth ring,” is composed of structural, conducting, and defensive components. In a cross-section, the largest conducting vessels can be visible to the unaided eye or can be minutely small. Due to shoot growth rates and timing, and leaf expansion periods, different growth conditions affect vessel size and xylem composition.

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Georgia Forest Facts

Georgia Forestry Assocation Georgia Forest Facts.

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