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Kentucky's Timber Harvesting BMP Implementation Study: Preliminary Results

This publication contains the preliminary results of a study performed to provide information on non-point source pollution issues as they relate to timber harvesting operations in Kentucky.

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Baitfish Production in the United States

This provides production requirements and marketing strategies of baitfish, including golden shiners, fathead minnows, goldfish, and white suckers as an alternative to traditional fish farming.

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Citrus Tree Stresses: Effects on Growth and Yield
Hits: 1 Rating: 1.68421052632 Votes: 19 Rate It
Added: November 17, 2011

The objectives of this document are to: a)Explain how citrus trees respond to changes in availability of water and nutrients; b)Discuss plant-stress situations and their effects on citrus growth and productivity; and c)Discuss the balance between roots and shoots. The target audience for this document dealing with citrus responses to drought conditions includes: Certified Crop Advisers, citrus producers, agrochemical and equipment industry representatives, and other parties interested in citrus management practices.

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Forestry Assistance for Landowners

This article provides descriptions of agencies and associations that can provide you with assistance in managing your woodland.

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Cage Culture: Site Selection and Water Quality BROKEN

Ponds are not always suitable for cage culture of fish. Before venturing into cage culture make sure your pond will support the increased biological load that cage culture will induce on its system.

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North Carolina Cooperative Extension Disaster Response Information Center

Excerpts from "Natural Disaster Program for Families", a publication series on Managing Drought and a publication series on Storm Related Pest Problems In and Around Homes

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Walnut Agroforestry

Agroforestry provides black walnut growers with the opportunity to develop a portfolio of short- and long-term investments, thus allowing for some risk spreading through diversification. Agroforestry also provides a cost-effective way to remove erodible land from crop production over an extended time period.

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Maintaining Tree/Turfgrass Associations: A Plant Health Care Approach

The common association of trees and turf in landscapes is plagued by competition for scarce water, nutrient, and sunlight resources. In the following article you will find an explanation of the problems that arise from this incompatibility and how to overcome them to achieve healthy, attractive trees and turfgrass.

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Georgia's Wetlands: 200 Years of Change

The ecological, biological and social values of wetlands are being altered rapidly in today's world. Over the past two centuries wetlands have been changed greatly. Through development and land-use changes, wetlands will continue to be altered. Large numb...

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Citrus Culture In The Home Landscape

Focusing on citrus in a private yard setting, the publication details citrus varieties, management, and care

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North Carolina Project WET

Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is an interdisciplinary water education program intended to supplement a school's existing curriculum.

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Cool-Season Food Plots For Deer

Would you like to improve your chances of harvesting more deer and turkey during the hunting season? You might improve your hunting success by providing deer with high-quality winter food plots. In most cases, your turkeys will readily use these plots, too.

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Best Management Practices and Road Building

This publication discusses Best Management Practices that can be used to help locate and construct road systems.

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Careers in Arboriculture

The skills of the professional arborist are more valuable than ever because of the increased recognition of the environmental, economic, and social benefits of trees.

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Determining the Profitability of Timber Stand Improvement Investments

You can increase the financial return from a tract (stand) of Missouri forest land by improving tree quality and woodland composition. Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) includes a broad range of practices: site preparation, thinning, release, pruning, and vine and weed removal.

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Risk Assessment for Burned Timber: Guidelines for Landowners

General Guidelines for Risk Assessment

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Christmas Tree Genetics
Hits: 1 Rating: 1.57142857143 Votes: 21 Rate It
Added: June 22, 2008

Recently, tree improvement programs for species important to North Carolina's Christmas tree industry have been intitiated. Each of these program is uniquely tailored to the individual species according to their biologic constraints and importance to the state's industry.

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A Series of Workshops & Short-Courses for Educators

The Baltimore Ecosystem Study project offers a series of workshops and short courses - Investigating Urban Ecosystems - to help teachers incorporate student research in the local environment into their teaching. These programs can be taken by any teacher, and stipends often can be arranged with the teachers' school or school district.

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Landscaping for Less in the Landfill

Gardeners can plan their landscapes to produce less yard waste and use what is produced around their homes to enhance yards, gardens, and soil. This publication provides steps that gardeners can take to effectively reduce the amount of solid waste in landfills.

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International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

The International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies was founded in 1902 as a quasi-governmental organization of public agencies charged with the protection and management of North America's fish and wildlife resources. The Association's governmental members include the fish and wildlife agencies of the states, provinces, and federal governments of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

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Forestry in Florida's Counties
Hits: 3 Rating: 1.55 Votes: 20 Rate It
Added: February 07, 2008

This website contains valuable information by county on the importance of forestry and wood products in Florida.

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Sected Practices and Plantings for Wildlife

Wildlife, game and non-game, has certain basic requirements. Three of the most important are food, water, and shelter. Changing wildlife numbers in an area is primarily a matter of altering the amount of food, water, or shelter.

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Economic Incentives for Natural Regeneration

Enhancing the growth of existing timber stands, insuring adequate regeneration following harvest, plus afforestation of marginal rowcrop land, are important forest management activities that southern timber producers can implement to increase total timber supply and profits.

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Engraver Beetle (Not Southern Pine Beetle) Activity on the Increase in East Texas

If the extreme fire danger caused by the 1998 drought isn't causing enough concern, now pine bark beetle activity is beginning to appear.

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Forest Herbicide Safety: Environmental Concerns and Proper Handling

The increasing use of herbicides in forests and other agricultural areas has caused concerns about the damage these compounds can do to humans and to the environment. This publication presents suggestions on environmental safety and on proper procedures for handling, storing, transporting, and applying herbicides.

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Urban Ecosystems

The fact is, in the world that we've created for ourselves, cities occupy pivotal positions, for better or worse, in the patterns of global ecology. This becomes clear when we put aside our standard images of cities and consider their ecological functions.

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Cross-Pollination Planting Plans

details different plans and charts for the well-being of cross-pollinated plants

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