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BMP: Ribbon Barriers

A description, use, and cost of Ribbon Barriers

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National Association of State Foresters

Listing of all State Forestry organizations and links in the US

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Water Quality Monitoring Programs for Environmental Assessment of Citrus Groves

Explains the importance of water monitoring, its costs, types, and analysis

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Goldline Darter (Percina aurolineata)

Goldline darters are slender, medium-sized fish about 3 inches long (7.6 cm) that exhibit sexual and seasonal differences in coloration. In the spring and early summer, males have numerous bright yellow areas in the fins, along the upper parts of the body.

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Citrus BMP Implementation in Florida's Gulf Citrus Production Area: Nutrients
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.05263157895 Votes: 19 Rate It
Added: November 16, 2011

In 2005 we conducted a survey in cooperation with Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) and FDACS to quantify the current level of BMP implementation and to identify BMPs that might be adopted if a cost-share program was available. The survey questionnaire included five major BMP categories: water volume, sediment control, aquatic plant control, pesticide use, and nutrients. This publication describes the survey and discusses the findings regarding nutrient BMPs. The target audience for this publication is citrus growers; allied industry, local, state, and federal agencies; and parties interested in nutrients and water quality in the southwest Florida region.

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Waste Utilization in Forest Lands of Florida

Research from forest lands in Florida shows that, in general, waste materials can be used to improve yields with few ecological consequences or human health hazards, as long as basic precautions are taken to insure that the proper soil types and tree species have been selected for the particular type of waste.

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Selling Timber: Capital Gains Versus Ordinary Income

This publication discusses the difficulty in determing whether proceeds from a transaction are considered capital gain or ordinary income, along with other related topics.

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Landowner's Guide to Timber Sale Contracts

A written timber sale agreement or contract is generally the preferable and safest method of selling timber. A written contract is legally binding and protects both the buyer and seller.

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Intermediate Cuttings in Forest Management
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.05 Votes: 20 Rate It
Added: October 20, 2008

This publication discusses the most important intermediate cut for many stands--thinning.

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Nature-based outdoor recreation trends and wilderness

Wilderness and other public land management agencies, both federal and state, have been feeling a pinch. It seems this pinch may partly be in response to a growing perception, or perhaps misperception,that nature-based, especially wildland recreation, is on the decline. This perception has been getting a lot of media attention of late.

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Fertigation Nutrient Sources and Application Considerations for Citrus

Details the application of various fertilizers though irrigation systems

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Temporary Wetland Crossing Options

Operators crossing wetlands with vehicles and other logging equipment may harm water quality, alter the water flow, and damage habitat. To protect wetlands, the best strategy is to go around them. If this isn’t possible, use temporary crossing options to minimize impacts.

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Planting and Care of Tree Seedlings

This publication discusses techniques that will give your seedlings the greatest chances for survival.

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Individual Slash Pine Volumes by Tree Diameter and Height

Estimating the merchantable volume of an individual tree stem is critical to calculating tree product values. The table in this publication presents specific volumes for slash pine (Pinus elliotti) in the lower Piedmont of Georgia.

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Bachman's Warbler (Vermivora bachmanii)

Bachman's warbler is the rarest native songbird in the United States. This tiny bird is about four inches long (10.2 cm). The male is yellow below and dark olive green above with a black bib and cap. The female is yellow below and olive above and is diffi...

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Benefits of an Abscission Agent in Mechanical Harvesting of Citrus

An abscission agent is a chemical compound that when sprayed prior to harvest will induce physiological changes that reduce the picking force to remove mature citrus fruit from the tree, resulting in less tree damage and faster harvest.

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USEPA Great Lakes Ecosystems - Green Landscaping: Greenacres Index Page

Landscaping with native wildflowers and grasses improves the environment. Natural landscaping brings a taste of wilderness to urban, suburban, and corporate settings by attracting a variety of birds, butterflies and other animals. Once established, native plants do not need fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or watering, thus benefiting the environment and reducing maintenance costs. Gardeners and admirers enjoy the variety of colors, shapes, and seasonal beauty of these plants

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County Ad Valorem Taxes Affecting Agriculture and Forestry in Georgia

A presentation of where we are with ad valorem taxes, how and why we got here, and the legislation that safeguards property owners' rights in Georgia.

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NASA/GHCC Urban Community Involvement

The GHCC's many areas of study are closely related to each other. Like the climate and environment we study, no one aspect stands alone; all connect in a complex, interactive Earth-Atmosphere system.

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Timber Theft! (How to avoid it and what to do if it happens)

Timber theft, or timber trespass, is common throughout the Southeast. Each year numerous private forest landowners discover their timber has been stolen or inadvertently harvested.

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Forest Products Measurements and Values
Hits: 2 Rating: 2.0 Votes: 22 Rate It
Added: February 16, 2008

This publication explains common forest products measures used in Tennessee and how to estimate the current market value.

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Fluid Fertilizers
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Added: October 05, 2008

Fluid fertilizers offer ease of use. Movement is by pump, and they usually require less labor to handle.

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Fire Resistant Landscaping

More people are moving into Colorado's rural areas, increasing the chances of wildfire. ``"Defensible space" is the primary determinant of a structure's ability to survive wildfire. ``Native species are generally the best plant materials for landscaping in defensible space, but others can be grown successfully in Colorado. ``To be a FireWise homeowner, plan well, plant well and maintain well.

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ESA Candidate Species for Federal Protection

Candidate species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended, are species about which there is sufficient supporting scientific information for listing. Because of confusion about the significance of the candidate list and candidate specie...

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Community Forestry Grants
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.0 Votes: 16 Rate It
Added: November 15, 2007

Urban and Community Forestry Grants ``Program Guidelines.

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Commercial Rabbit Production

Rabbits have been produced for 3,000 years. Today they are raised for meat, research, pets, show, and pelts.

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Understanding and Minimizing Veneer Checking on Furniture Panels
Hits: 1 Rating: 2.0 Votes: 21 Rate It
Added: February 12, 2008

This report presents a brief explanation of the causes of veneer checks, and discusses some of the major factors which have been shown to correlate with veneer checking.

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U.S. Timber Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics: 1965-1997

This report presents statistical information on production, trade, consumption, and prices of forest products in the United States.

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Technical Assistance Available to CRP Forest Landowners

Landowners have available to them professional forestry assistance in the form of advice, answering technical questions, and other services landowners may desire concerning their forest lands.

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Strip Disking and Other Valuable Bobwhite Quail Management Techniques

In the South, habitats, whether open fields or wooded areas, that are allowed to grow up longer than three to four years without some type of soil or vegetative disturbance quickly grow out of good bobwhite habitat. Typically, management practices for open fields include prescribed burning annually or every two years, bush-hogging, disking, planting agricultural crops, and protection of some areas that grow up into brushy escape cover.

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