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Control Methods For Aquatic Plants in Ponds and Lakes

Aquatic plants growing in ponds and lakes are beneficial for fish and wildlife. However, dense growths (over 25% of the surface area) of algae and other water plants can seriously interfere with pond recreation and threaten aquatic life.

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A Guide To Increasing Financial Returns From Your Woodland

When a forest is harvested using either the individual tree or group selection method1, trees to be cut or retained are commonly selected based on a number of factors including species, quality, diameter, distance from other trees, health and vigor, non-timber value, risk of loss or damage, and maturity.

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What is Forest Fragmentation and Why is it Important?

Forest fragmentation occurs when large, continuous forests are divided into smaller blocks, either by roads, clearing for agriculture, urbanization, or other human development. Ornithologists suspect that fragmentation harms many woodland birds by increasing their susceptibility to predation and nest parasitism.

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Phosphorus in Mississippi Soils

Phosphorus management and nutrition have both economic and environmental implications. This publication examines phosphorus in soils, plant uptake, soil fertility and testing, and management of phosphorus fertilizers.

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Managing Your East Texas Forest

Managing pine forest for the production of pine straw is a promising new enterprise in East Texas that can potentially provide substantial``supplemental income to Texas forestland owners. Use of pine straw as a ground cover mulch in landscaping around trees and in flowerbeds has recently seen rising popularity in Texas because it is clean, attractive, and provides exceptional value for most landscaping situations.

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Forestry AgNIC

Links to forestry-related web sites; part of the National Agricultural Library's Agriculture Network Information Center.

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Aquatic Weed Identification and Control: Frogbit and Watershield BROKEN

Although neither frogbit nor watershield typically cause problems in Mississippi, it may be necessary at some time to control its growth. This publication provides information on treatments.

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Use of Sterile Grass Carp to Control Aquatic Weeds
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Added: October 20, 2008

Aquatic weeds are a serious problem for pond owners throughout Georgia. They restrict access to fishing areas, reduce fish harvest and decrease the usefulness, attractiveness and value of a pond. Herbicides, mechanical removal, water level changes, dyes, fertilization, proper pond construction, pond renovation and biological methods successfully control unwanted aquatic weed growth. The physical and chemical characteristics of the pond and the pond owner's objectives dictate which method is most appropriate. Pond owners are familiar with the traditional methods of aquatic weed control but not with the recently available option of biological control by using sterile triploid grass carp.

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Planting Trees In Your Landscape

Good landscape plants can increase property value, save energy, and provide privacy and beauty around your home. This publications provides helpful information on planting, watering, and fertilizing your new trees.

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Timber Losses Through Casualty, Theft or Condemnation--Tax Treatment

As a woodland owner, if part or all of your timber` is damaged, condemned, destroyed or stolen, you may be entitled to claim a deduction on your federal income tax return.

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USEPA Great Lakes Ecosystems - Green Landscaping: Greenacres Index Page

Landscaping with native wildflowers and grasses improves the environment. Natural landscaping brings a taste of wilderness to urban, suburban, and corporate settings by attracting a variety of birds, butterflies and other animals. Once established, native plants do not need fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides or watering, thus benefiting the environment and reducing maintenance costs. Gardeners and admirers enjoy the variety of colors, shapes, and seasonal beauty of these plants

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Sample Timber Sale Contract

A written timber sale contract is essential to all timber sales. Both buyer and seller need the protection that only a well-written contract can provide. Oral agreements are subject to misunderstanding and misinterpretation and are simply not adequate.

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County Ad Valorem Taxes Affecting Agriculture and Forestry in Georgia

A presentation of where we are with ad valorem taxes, how and why we got here, and the legislation that safeguards property owners' rights in Georgia.

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Black Turpentine Beetle
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Added: September 25, 2005

The black turpentine beetle is an insect that lives in the inner bark of pine trees. Removal of the outer bark will reveal a vertical gallery or tunnel up to 18 inches long or a D-shaped to fan-like gallery up to 12 inches across. Generally, its activity h confined to the lower three to eight feet of trees.

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A Plain Little Bird: Attracting the Eastern Phoebe

There is a little known bird that makes an interesting addition to your wild garden. You can attract it with some minor adjustments to your garden plan. This bird is not a gaudy dresser like the bluebird. He is plain, subtle dark gray above, light below.

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Economics of Agroforestry

This article discusses the economic benefits and criticisms of agroforestry.

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Arkansas Forestry Association

Several landowner publications about forest management are available on this site.

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Using Local Woodlot Lumber

Choosing the right wood.

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Timber Theft! (How to avoid it and what to do if it happens)

Timber theft, or timber trespass, is common throughout the Southeast. Each year numerous private forest landowners discover their timber has been stolen or inadvertently harvested.

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Researchers Battle Diseases Plaguing Forests

West Virginia's abundant forest resources face dangers in the form of disease and pathogens. Researchers at West Virginia University's College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Consumer Sciences and West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station are working to mitigate those dangers.

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Measurements and Pricing of Primary Wood Materials

This guide is for people who would like to know how primary wood building products and wood fuel are sold. Topics discussed are softwood lumber, panel products such as plywood, wood molding and trim, wood flooring, wood shingles and shakes, wood posts, and cordwood.

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Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement

Forest genetics is the study of hereditary variation in trees. Tree improvement is the application of forest genetics to field practice.

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Fire Resistant Landscaping

More people are moving into Colorado's rural areas, increasing the chances of wildfire. ``"Defensible space" is the primary determinant of a structure's ability to survive wildfire. ``Native species are generally the best plant materials for landscaping in defensible space, but others can be grown successfully in Colorado. ``To be a FireWise homeowner, plan well, plant well and maintain well.

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Control of Phytophthora Root Rot in Fraser Fir Christmas Trees BROKEN

Phytophthora root rot is the only serious disease of Fraser fir Christmas trees in western North Carolina. It is caused by a fungus that inhabits the soil and infects many woody plants through the roots. It can lie dormant in the soil for several years waiting for a susceptible host such as Fraser fir and the right environmental conditions, including warm soil temperatures (above 54 degrees F.) and soils saturated with water to infect plant roots.

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Community Forestry Grants
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Added: November 15, 2007

Urban and Community Forestry Grants ``Program Guidelines.

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A Murderer Visits the Wild Garden

On May 13 a mystery creature broke into Leslie Sprando's duck pen. The animal had apparently climbed up the door and had forced its way in where the door was loose at the top.

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To Push or To Clip: That is the Question
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Added: November 17, 2011

For the past 5 to 10 years, many citrus growers have wondered whether it is better to remove the entire tree and root system by pushing or whether clipping the tree off above the soil line is an acceptable alternative method to remove diseased or unproductive citrus trees from groves. Growers have expressed both positive and negative observations about each tree removal method. Therefore, a review and evaluation of the potential benefits and drawbacks of each method is appropriate.

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BMP: Ribbon Barriers

A description, use, and cost of Ribbon Barriers

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USDA Forest Service Research Publications

Category: Government Publications``The site contains information for obtaining paper copies of USDA Forest Service research publications, including subscription information for periodic announcements, website addresses, and email contacts.

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The Nature Conservancy Global Invasive Species Team
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Added: July 05, 2008

This page includes links to all our resources specific to individual invasive species.

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