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16 items
A Simple Timber Cruising Template
Here is a handy template that can help you inventory your forest. The spreadsheet was designed by forester Bruce Springer and is a quick and easy way to ...
Evaluating High-Graded Hardwood Stands
Forest Landowner's Guide to The Measurement of Timber and Logs
Methods of measuring timber and the units of measurement often differ between buyers, and, as a seller, you should have an understanding of these methods, the ...
Forest Products Measurements and Values
This publication explains common forest products measures used in Tennessee and how to estimate the current market value.
Individual Loblolly Pine Volumes by Tree Diameter and Height
Estimating the merchantable volume of an individual tree stem is critical to calculating tree product values. The table in this publication presents specific ...
Individual Slash Pine Volumes by Tree Diameter and Height
Estimating the merchantable volume of an individual tree stem is critical to calculating tree product values. The table in this publication presents specific ...
Lake States Woodlands: Measuring Trees and Estimating Volume
Diameter at breast height (DBH) is the single most important tree measurement when cruising (inventorying) timber stands to determine value. Woodland owners ...
Measuring Standing Sawtimber
Measuring Standing Trees
Woodland owners often need to measure the merchantable board foot content (termed "volume") of certain trees in their woodland. This publication teaches you ...
Measuring Woodland Timber
Forest products, like other agricultural commodities, must be measured before they are sold. Few woodland owners, however,understand the reasons for or the ...
New Forest Inventory Statistics for Southeast Georgia
Trees are complex reacting organisms which grow in dynamic, rapidly changing environments. Tree biology must provide for defense, reproduction, growth, and ...
Number of Trees per Acre by Spacing
In natural resources many management concepts, as well as an evaluation and control methods, utilize tree numbers per acre as a quantitative measure. In ...
There Could Be A "Pot of Gold" on Your Land
This information sheet helps landowners figure out how many acres they have in forest land, the quantity of timber, its quality, value, and other ...
Trees Per Acre Table: by Diameter and Basal Area
There are many types of natural resource planning and management applications that require estimating the number of trees for a given size that would occupy an ...
Utilizing Small Timber Volumes with Portable Sawmills: Guidelines for Log and Lumber Measurement
This guide provides practical information on how to measure the volume of logs and lumber, as well as estimating the approximate cost of having the logs sawn.
Florida's 2000 Rice Variety Census
Summary of the 2009 Florida rice crop