
Tree Care 46 items

To better understand and minimize damage to trees during pruning, an assessment system was developed. This system is based upon long-term tree functions and ...
Oak wilt is a serious disease that infects many species of oak. It is responsible for the death of thousands of oak trees in forests, woodlots, and home ...
Wind and gravity are the two primary forces acting upon tree crowns. The structural resistance to these forces by the tree require complex allocation ...
Tree and shrub fertilization is especially important in urban and suburban areas of Virginia where soils have been altered due to construction. These urban ...
In urban or suburban neighborhoods, trees and shrubs often need fertilizing. Modern home- building methods create adverse growing conditions for plants. Often, ...
The 1993 floods along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and their tributaries have caused tremendous losses in terms of human life, homes, businesses and ...
In some situations, injecting trees with fungicides is an effective treatment for the management of Dutch elm disease (DED). Several injection products are on ...
In many landscapes, birch trees begin to decline within a few years, and many trees die well before reaching maturity. A healthy birch tree should be able to ...
The gypsy moth is the most important defoliating insect of hardwood trees in the Eastern United States. Since the turn of the century, millions of dollars have ...
Black walnut trees, like all other plants, are susceptible to a variety of injuries that reduce or destroy their usefulness. The first step in preventing or ...
Dutch elm disease (DED), caused by the fungus, Ceratocystis ulmi, is the most devastating shade tree disease in the United States. Healthy elms can become ...
Because elm is so well-suited to urban environments, it continues to be a valued component of the urban forest despite the losses from DED. The challenge ...
Oak wilt is an aggressive disease that affects many species of oak (Quercus spp.). It is one of the most serious tree diseases in the eastern United States, ...
The common association of trees and turf in landscapes is plagued by competition for scarce water, nutrient, and sunlight resources. In the following article ...
Nitrogen affects the molecular interactions, compound shapes and functions, and the chemical symmetry of life-maintaining materials. In ecosystems, nitrogen is ...
Trees and turfgrasses commonly share the same landscape. Both require space, light, water, air, essential nutrients, and the appropriate temperature for ...
There has never been a time with more innovative tools and techniques available for minimizing infrastructure damage exacerbated by tree root growth. This ...
For as long as trees have grown in forests, leaves and needles have fallen to the ground and formed a natural protective layer over the soil. This same ...
Supplemental nitrogen fertilization should be treated as a fined-tuned, carefully considered, constantly modified, whole tree prescription process. The whole ...
Periodic occurrences of decline and death of oaks over widespread areas have been recorded since 1900. These outbreaks, variously named oak decline, oak ...
Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum, kills oak trees. It has been found in 21 States, with considerable damage occurring in the Midwest. It ...
Getting trees started correctly in your yard, along streets or in a park is critical to long tree life, easy care and low-cost maintenance. One way to ensure ...
This publication discusses the dangers of trees growing too close to power lines and methods for managing the problem.
The liability risks identified in mature trees can be easily corrected in young trees.
Educational materials containing pruning information
Pruning is essential for attractive, healthy trees and shrubs and improves the quality of flowers, fruit, and foliage. The best way to avoid difficult pruning ...
This publication is a synthesis of the tree growth regulation and correlation literature. General processes and systems presented here represent educational ...
The most common reasons for pruning trees in plantations or woodlands are to maintain a single central leader, repair storm damage, or promote clear trunks or ...
A full discussion of recovering from ice storm damage to trees: assessment of damage, repairs, removal, tools, leader replacement, straightening bent trees, ...
Pruning is a double-edged sword, either helping or hurting according to if, where, when, how, and why it is applied. When properly executed, a variety of ...
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