
Management 208 items

A well-planned and constructed forest road system is important for the management of your forest, and is a vital link between people and the forest.
Roads provide access to forest resources, but poorly designed roads increase maintenance costs, restrict access, and create environmental problems.
Soil quality is the most important factor in forest management decisions. Soils will determine which tree species yields the greatest timber volume, the time ...
The purpose of this fact sheet is to inform you about a) the major forest land areas of Florida, b) the CRIFF soil groupings, and c) the importance of soils in ...
If you are a forest landowner, you should have a management plan that organizes your personal objectives into a comprehensive strategy for attaining what you ...
This bulletin discusses the benefits of harvesting timber and its importance in woodland stewardship.
These summaries should be used for general reference, not as prescriptions or application guides. Applicators must carefully read the product label before ...
This publication is meant to help you better understand special terms and abbreviations commonly used in forestry.
As a woodland owner, you may hear foresters use unfamiliar terms or see new terms in your forest management plan or timber sale contract. Forestry is a ...
This publication discusses the vital role that forests play in our lives.
These pages provide definitions for terms that are frequently used in forestry and other natural resource management disciplines.
Georgia Forestry Assocation Georgia Forest Facts.
This glossary contains many useful forestry terms.
Provides definitions for 1,026 words and terms used in timber harvesting and forest engineering, with an emphasis on terms related to timber harvesting ...
This bulletin will help woodland owners grow black walnut trees in natural stands and plantations for timber, nuts, and agroforestry.
How to plan, layout, construct, stabilize, use, and maintain roads.
The legal consequences resulting from cutting, purchasing and selling timber should be of major concern to all parties involved in a timber sale. Most any ...
This report describes 53 taxa of hardwoods of North America, which are organized alphabetically by genus.
This publication discusses the many factors that a landowner must consider before, during, and after the harvest.
Herbicide spray drift is the movement of herbicide from the target area to areas where herbicide application was not intended. While the number of acres ...
Herbicides are used to treat weeds and grasses to allow seedlings to grow. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) provides information and guidelines on ...
This factsheet outlines procedures that can be followed to determine the amount of herbicide needed to spray a particular planting.
There are numerous obstacles to the development of ideotypes for southern pines; fortunately, as we enter the 21st century, several relevant advances are ...
Many options are open to woodland owners. They may use a TSI program to increase the woodland's value for timber products, water, recreation, forage, wildlife, ...
Within the private sector, debate also has focused on the traditional application of multiple-use forestry, using the principles of sustainable forest ...
Many forest stands in Georgia suffer from three common problems of middle-aged forests: Poor management, if any at all; no planning for regeneration; and ...
This publication discusses the most important intermediate cut for many stands--thinning.
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