- Info
14 items
Calibration of Hand Sprayers for Herbicide Application
This fact sheet describes the steps for calibrating hand sprayers, and discusses active ingredient recommendations, measuring herbicides and factors that ...
Forest Herbicide Safety: Environmental Concerns and Proper Handling
The increasing use of herbicides in forests and other agricultural areas has caused concerns about the damage these compounds can do to humans and to the ...
Forestry Herbicide Facts
These summaries should be used for general reference, not as prescriptions or application guides. Applicators must carefully read the product label before ...
Herbicide Spray Drift
Herbicide spray drift is the movement of herbicide from the target area to areas where herbicide application was not intended. While the number of acres ...
Herbicide Use: Information and Guidelines
Herbicides are used to treat weeds and grasses to allow seedlings to grow. The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) provides information and guidelines on ...
How Much Herbicide Do I Need?
This factsheet outlines procedures that can be followed to determine the amount of herbicide needed to spray a particular planting.
Persistence of Herbicides in Soil
This publication discusses the factors that determine the length of time herbicides persist in the soil.
Spray Equipment Calibration
This publication discusses how to properly calibrate the equipment so as to achieve the correct application amount.
Tank Mixtures of Forestry Site Preparation Herbicides Can Be Antagonistic
Farmers have been using tank mixes for many years, but the concept is comparatively new in forestry. The search for the optimum combination of herbicides is an ...
Tree Injection With Reduced Labor Requirements
Tree injection has historically been a labor-intensive practice, but a new method now exists that drastically reduces the amount of labor required.
Using Herbicides Safely and Herbicide Toxicity
Herbicide accidents in Florida have affected both man and the environment. Almost all herbicide accidents have been due to carelessness and could have been ...
Wide-space Injection with Arsenal AC Herbicide For Control of Undesirable Hardwood Stems
In the first growing season after treatment, the most susceptible species (such as sweetgum) may die, but other species will lose foliage, produce a new flush ...
Herbicide Application Best Management Practices for Citrus Grove Workers
describes safety practices and application techniques
Chemigation Equipment and Techniques for Citrus
Details using an irrigation system to deliver chemicals to citrus plants, its safety, management, and tips.