
Tree Identification 37 items

This key can help you easily identify any of the 66 most common trees found in Alabama. Keys such as this one, which is based on a series of choices between ...
The spectacular parade of colors associated with the "Indian Summer" days of autumn is created by a complicated series of interactions involving pigments, ...
It is not necessarily the single tree and its colored leaves we most appreciate. As annual flowers may be massed together to yield a spectacular color show, ...
Identifying and Classifying organisms is fundamental to Biological Sciences. All living things are divided up into groups. Each individual in the group has ...
Forestry agencies and associations across the country maintain registers of champion big trees.Listings of the biggest trees encountered on the USDA Forest ...
This article describes the changes that take place in trees and cause them to change colors.
This publication explains what triggers the color change in autumn, which color each species becomes, and the causes of variation in color.
Welcome to the tree identification Home Page at Oregon State University! The purpose of this site is to help you identify common conifers and broadleaves in ...
Find fact sheets for 470 native and ornamental trees from across North America. Each printable sheet contains a full text description plus several color ...
Leaf color formation is a natural process. Short, cool days of fall bring changes to trees. Green light-capture systems must be closed-down for winter. ...
Autumn tree colors grace our landscapes. The palette of potential colors are as diverse as the natural world. The climate-induced senescence process trees ...
Trees loose their leaves by design. When leaves become inefficient and unable to produce food and growth regulators, a process of shutting-down and sealing-off ...
This tree study manual has been prepared to aid 4-H Club members, teachers, youth group leaders, and others who want to identify or to know more about the ...
Knowing how forest trees grow can help woodland owners predict yeilds. Being able to understand the growing cycles of different trees will also help the owner ...
This interactive key was developed to help identify the most common trees in Iowa. The key is based on vegetative characteristics such as leaves, fruits, and ...
Spring flower colors are raised in fall to crown the trees. The pigments are the same but the colored containers have changed from dainty petals to coarse, ...
I've got my leaf, let's get started!
Key out your leaf by clicking on the button that best describes it. ``A table will list the possible matches, with links to fact sheets. ``If a picture exactly ...
Live oak is a beautiful, spreading, medium-sized to large tree 45-65 feet tall and 3-4 feet in diameter. It was named for its evergreen foliage. The largest ...
Mature Tree Shapes of South Carolina Forestry Commission's Forest Tree Nursery Seedlings
0ver 100 native trees and shrubs of the south east; growing instructions and images.
When you feel that you are ready, simply click here for a practice leaf test, or on the word twigs for a practice winter i.d. test. You can also go to the ...
Osage-orange (Maclura pomifera) is a small tree in which people have found great value. Once discovered by early European settlers, it was carried and tended ...
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Those who work with wood should be able to distinguish between different woods and be familiar with features that make different kinds of wood react ...
The Southern catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) tree is a common fixture along roadsides and in old yards. The big green leaves and distinctive long dangling ...
50+ species, 3 keys, 300+ images, range maps, abundunce lists, taxonomy, ID characteristics, glossary
A tree identification key is designed to help tree enthusiasts identify a tree species based on its physical characteristics, such as leaf shape, leaf margin ...
Click on the name of a tree to see photos.
One growth increment of a tree, commonly called a “growth ring,” is composed of structural, conducting, and defensive components. In a cross-section, the ...
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