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96 items
Rosette Bud Mite On Fraser Fir
Rosette buds affect the quality of Fraser fir grown for Christmas trees. The more rosette buds that are on a tree and the more years the tree has rosette buds, ...
Rust Mites In Christmas Trees
White pine and Fraser fir Christmas tree growers have occasional problems with the rust mite at higher elevations (>3000 ft). Because damage doesn't occur ...
Sealing Leaking Ponds
Excessive seepage in ponds is generally due either to a poor site--that is, one in which the soils in the impounded area are too permeable to hold water--to ...
Selecting and Shipping Samples To Help Determine Cause of Fish Kills
A guide to fish kills.
Selection of Fish for Stocking Mississippi Farm Ponds
One of the major keys to success in farm pond management is proper selection of fish species to stock. Proper selection requires consideration of the desired ...
Should You Attempt Fish Farming? Considerations for Prospective Fish Growers
Fish farming is, like most other types of farming, a risky business that requires special knowledge, skills, and careful considerations. Some of the most ...
Stocking Sportfishing Ponds
Because proper initial stocking of new or innovated sportfishing ponds produces the maximum number and weight of harvestable fish, it is one of the best ...
The Balsam Twig Aphid
The balsam twig aphid (Mindarus abietinus Koch) (BTA) is a small, pale green aphid that feeds on fir trees in the spring. BTA feeding on the new growth of ...
The Balsam Woolly Adelgid (Aphid)
The balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae) (BWA), previously called the balsam woolly aphid, is a tiny, soft bodied insect which appears as white, woolly spots ...
The Control of Burrowing Crayfish in Ponds
This publications covers various topics about crayfish, such as ecological and economic importance, control methods, and cleaning and cooking techniques.
The Spruce Spider Mite In Fraser Fir
If you have Fraser fir Christmas trees with off-color or chlorotic foliage, especially after a dry spell in the summer or fall, chances are you have damage ...
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimted's mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds.
Turtles In Mississippi Farm Ponds
Farm ponds and lakes scattered across the Mississippi landscape provide an excellent habitat for many species of turtles.
Use of Sterile Grass Carp to Control Aquatic Weeds
Aquatic weeds are a serious problem for pond owners throughout Georgia. They restrict access to fishing areas, reduce fish harvest and decrease the usefulness, ...
Using Chemicals in Pond Management
Chemicals are applied to ponds and lakes to control weeds; to control fish diseases; to eliminate undesirable fish; to control undesirable insects and aquatic ...
Using Rotenone To Renovate Fish Populations In Farm Ponds
The ultimate fate of many farm ponds in Mississippi is an unbalanced fish population that is undesirable to fishermen, and, therefore, has little recreational ...
Water Gardens, Aquascaping, Lake Restoration, and Aquatic Weeds
Most of the plants sold for water gardens and aquascaping, are not native to North Carolina or the United States. The great majority of these plants never ...
Weed Management in Small Ponds
The presence of some vegetation in small ponds is desirable for appearance and to enhance the habitat for fish, but it is important to maintain a good balance ...
What Is A Fishing Derby?
Most fishing derbies involve some form of competition -- the most fish, largest fish, tagged fish, largest aggregate catch, or some combination of these. ...
White Grub Control in Fraser Fir Christmas Trees
Proper vegetation management is critical to grub control by decreasing grub damage and discouraging grubs from coming back.
Why Do Trees Die?
Winter Drawdown: A Useful Management Tool for Mississippi Farm Ponds
One of the most useful and most inexpensive pond management practices is called a "winter drawdown." This practice is the reduction of water levels in a pond ...
Winter Kill in Channel Catfish
Winter Kill Syndrome is a serious disease affecting farm-raised channel catfish during colder months.
Woodlands Protection
This publication discusses the importance of recognizing dangers to woodland health and suggests ways of protecting it.
Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems, 4H
Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems (4H MEL 20) is a leader-led project that teaches young people about aquatic and marine ecosystems. Activity pages in the back of ...
Increasing the Profitability of Florida Alligator Carcasses
The American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, is thought by many to be one of Florida's true natives. This native Floridian has been prized over the ...
Housing Crocodilians in Captivity: Considerations for Central America and Caribbean
Attempts to develop and successfully operate facilities that commercially exploit crocodilians have always faced considerable challenges, especially in ...
4-H Member's Guide: Starting and Maintaining a Marine Aquarium
This project is intended for those 4-H members who have an interest in aquariums and would like to start a project on salt water aquariums. To satisfactorily ...
Life in the Sea Member Manual
Life in the Sea Member Manual (4H MEM 30) is a project guide is for 4-H members ages 10 and up. 4-H'ers will learn about dolphins, manatees, seals and sea ...
Pentastomid Infections in Fish
The pentastomes are a group of worm-like parasites that infect many different species of fish. Infections have been found in several families of fish including ...