
Forest Environmental Management 153 items

The increasing use of conservation easements to protect private, productive forestland and recent large-scale projects protecting tens or hundreds of thousands ...
The riparian area is that area of land located immediately adjacent to streams, lakes, or other surface waters. Through the interaction of their soils, ...
Loss of native riparian vegetation can result in a loss of habitat for many animals. Therefore, the restoration of riparian forest buffers along Virginia's ...
Riparian forests protect water quality by reducing the amount of sediment, nutrients, and other pollutants that enter streams, lakes, and other surface waters.
Standards for appraisals used by the Forest Legacy Program. Interagency Land Acquisition Conference
This is the home page for endangered species.
One of the rarest shrubs in North America, this is a short shrub about 1 - 2 meters (3.2 - 6.5 ft) tall. Grows in upright clumps and spreads by root sprouting. ...
This publication summarizes safe and effective techniques for managing aquatic weeds in irrigation ponds. It emphasizes preventive measures and the selection ...
Because of the importance of groundwater to Mississippi, protecting the underground water supplies, or aquifers, is critically important. Wellhead protection, ...
Manatees are shaped much like seals or small whales, with a flat bristly snout, front flippers, and a rounded, paddle-shaped tail. They are solid gray, about ...
This publication discusses the economic costs and benefits of riparian buffers.
Often, the best strategy for managing wetlands is to conserve and protect what you already have. However, wetland habitats can be enhanced to attract a wider ...
This fact sheet is not for official taxonomic identification or species location purposes. It is inteded to help landowners become aware of federally ...
A Working Forest Conservation Easement, like a conventional conservation easement, is a legal agreement between a``landowner and a nonprofit conservation ...
This manual is intended to be used by both the 4-H volunteer leader and the 4-H member. Wetlands, 4-H Project Record, 4HMER71 should be used by the member in ...
Although large machines prune closely planted trees in commercial citrus groves on a regular basis, dooryard citrus need not be pruned at all. There are ...
describes safety practices and application techniques
The objectives of this document are to: a)Explain how citrus trees respond to changes in availability of water and nutrients; b)Discuss plant-stress ...
A description, use, and cost of Ribbon Barriers
details different pest control methods, safety, and application processes and tips
Explains basic water management knowledge, such as how to obtain a water sample, units used in water analysis, and water quality parameters
Details the importance of honey bees in crop production and suggests ways to avoid their elimination through pesticide use
Details silvicultural management techniques
Using BMPs to ensure the highest quality water
The objective of this project was to assess the economic effects of catastrophic forest wildfires in Florida and various causal factors contributing to these ...
Details Florida Forest Resources action plan for 2006-2010 to increase the amount of forested land
Describes (with supplementing pictures) the Anthracnose fungus that plagues Acacia trees and its management and prevention
Aquatic plants are necessary for maintaining the balance of nature and offering food, protection, oxygen, and shelter to aquatic species. One reality of ...
Details the application of various fertilizers though irrigation systems
Explains the importance of water monitoring, its costs, types, and analysis
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