
Management 208 items

This brochure discusses the most important topics to consider in establishing a plantation of healthy fast-growing hardwoods.
Proper fertilization and liming can increase three to four times the pounds of fish a pond will support. Unfertilized ponds stocked with bream, bass and ...
Prescribed burning brochure from the Georgia Forestry Commission.
WHY Do Good Forest Managers Burn the Woods?
This publication examines how various species benefit from prescribed burning.
Prescribed burning is a precise tool for vegetation management that requires permits, proper training, care, caution and control. Appropriate precautionary ...
This site is designed to provide various links on prescribed burning, fire, and forest protection.
Before jumping into the business of aquaculture, however, consider your decision objectively. Like most other types of farming, fish farming (or shrimp or clam ...
This article describes the benefits and techniques for the proper pruning of trees in the yard and in the forest.
Livestock or poultry production enterprises should have a comprehensive manure nutrient management plan to take advantage of the animal manure benefits. A plan ...
This publication explains how controlling erosion can make a significant contribution to the control of water pollution, along with providing ways to detect ...
Several aspects of pine stand renovation are presented here. The primary management objective covered in this publication is pine timber production and ...
This publication explains the importance of properly storing pesticides and fertilizers.
General Guidelines for Risk Assessment
The chain saw is a versatile tool which can be used for many jobs. However, in the hands of a careless or inexperienced operator, they can be very hazardous.
Learn the basic principles of safe chainsaw use.
This publication covers the fundamentals of safe tree harvesting with a chain saw.
Answering these questions will help record your goals and visions for your property. Your private forester and state Service Forester will use this ...
Part of a unique ecosystem, the Sand Hills State Forest is located between the piedmont and coastal plain of South Carolina in Chesterfield and Da
Learn to protect your timberlands from intrusion, production of controlled substances, vandalism, dumping, and timber theft, and also learn about secure timber ...
Water running down forest roads and trails can erode surfaces, moving soil and other pollutants into nearby lakes, wetlands, and streams. One way to prevent ...
This article discusses a few of the silvicultural harvest techniques applied most often in Appalachian hardwoods.
A silvicultural system is a planned process designed to tend immature trees and establish new trees in a forest stand. The type of silvicultural system ...
With adequate site preparation, southern pine stands can be regenerated by natural means (using seed from mature trees about to be harvested) or artificial ...
The South Carolina Smoke Management Guidelines provide for minimizing the impact of smoke from vegetative debris burning operations.``To do this, the ...
Smoke Management Guidelines``for Vegetative Debris Burning Operations``in the``State of South Carolina
When sampling soil, it is usually recommended that one collect a small amount of soil from a number of locations within a field, then mix the soil together in ...
Organic matter makes up only a small part of the soil. However, even in small amounts, organic matter is very important. This fact sheet answers some basic ...
This publication is an introduction to the origins of soils and how they influence capabilities and uses of soils.
A comprehensive site on wildfires with topics including causes, wildland firefighting, safety, fire protection laws, and prevention.
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